July 13, 2007

E. J. Dionne Jr. - Hold Your Fire and Brimstone - washingtonpost.com

EJ Dionne is a tool.

Here he is bleating on about not exposing the moral hypocrites in the Republican party who prant on about family values whole either acting in alternative ways: frequent use of hookers, as in the case of Louisiana senator Vitter, or buying crystal meth and having sex with a gay male prostitute, as in the case of honcho evangelical Ted Haggard.

E. J. Dionne Jr. - Hold Your Fire and Brimstone - washingtonpost.com

Dionne is wrong. It is time top make politics nastier until we run the rats out of their nests. The exposures of Republican lies must continue, simply put, until these Republican scumbags shut the fuck up.

When they stop butting into the private lives of other people, when they stop trying to control the behavior and lifestyle of adults doing things in private, when they stop using the "war on drugs" to expand the power of the state, and when they shut the fuck up, then and only then will the imperative of revealing them to be lying, hypocritical scum will end.

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