September 22, 2007

Blogging has been light because of a number of reasons but mostly because I have been busy and because it is a perfect storm of holidays-Yom Kippur for the home team and Korean thanksgiving for the visitors.

I have been wondering something though: Why won't Ken Fucking Burns crawl off somewhere and disappear and stop the hype machine? Please? Why must his movies be foisted on a deluded public that they are anything but boring and mealy mouthed and distorted? I haven't seen his WWII one yet, and likely won't. But I have found his others to be insufferable and also just grating--at some point I will explain why in detail but now I am not actually in the mood to deconstruct his pieces of shit. But the one thing I really despise is the obsessive and blinkered focus on face as the exclusive subject, which is both a symptom and a catalyst of the identity politics that snarl things up. A good example of this bullshit run awry is this u
nintentionally self-mocking op-ed complaining that the author's specific ethnic group (latinos) were left out of the great ethnic extravaganza of the Burns film, until they complained and got him to put it in.
Then again, I haven't seen this and so cannot really get up a good head of steam, so when the DVD vendors start selling a bootleg for 2 bucks maybe I will pick one up.

1 comment:

Burro Hall said...

You'll be happy to know that, whatever its artistic or academic merits, the premier episode's audio is out of synch with the video here on WGBH in Boston. Someone's getting fired in the morning.