June 04, 2008

Kerry Trueman: Warning: This Film May Give You Hives - Entertainment on The Huffington Post

Boy lefties sure get a head of steam when they fret about the decline of bees and the end of civilization as we now know it. It is a favorite topic. Wait until Al Gore starts twisting his own panties about it (and yours).

Maybe all of these people should put down their lattes and their "Obama Change We Can Agree On" bumper stickers and actually do something about the problem, like keep bees themselves and encourage others to do the same. And stop exclusionary, anti-beekeeping laws passed by dumbfuck yuppies afraid they might get stung (most beekeepers in America are hobbyists in suburban or urban areas). Or, even easier, buy American honey so it is actually profitable for beekeepers to keep bees in the USA.

Kerry Trueman: Warning: This Film May Give You Hives - Entertainment on The Huffington Post

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