August 20, 2008

Finally back in what my nieghbors call 'The 757' after various adventures and a week hiking. Back to regularly scheduled Undismayed.

Last night we were watching the Olympics and a US sprinter named LaShawn Merritt was winning his trails. LaShawn is an uncommon name in many places, but not in the 757. And sure enough he is from Suffolk, a graduate of Woodrow Wilson High School. We shouldn't leave aside the interesting factoid that Woodrow Wilson was a deeply felt white supremacist, there being a certain nice irony in his namesake high school being less than the lily white world he envisioned.

As I drove back into the 757 from my hiking trip, I was traveling down a street in my nieghborhood (otherwise known as the ghetto) behind two police cars, and was interested to see the cars stop (without lights) and have three officers run out, guns drawn, to arrest some guy walking on the sidewalk.

Traffic didn't even slow, which was the amazing part. There were more rubberneckers on the interstate for a speeding violation stop than for this armed arrest.

Welcome home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Library of Congress Woodrow Wilson Research Guide