September 05, 2008

I didn't listen to Palin or McCain's speech I will confess, but I did hear tell of Palin's stupid joke about the difference between her soon-to-be-even-more-grating name of "hockey mom" and a pitbull. Her punchline was "lipstick." Awwyeah, give it to the commie libs, Palin!!

But I have another idea--I think the punchline should actually be: "Hockey Moms leave lipstick on an Eskimo's pole".

I think this would pretty catchy on a bumpersticker. Drop me a line if you are interested in one.

One other question, -- where in sweet Jesus' name does John Keating Five McCain get off with this line ""Let me just offer an advance warning to the old, big-spending, do-nothing, me-first-country-second, Washington crowd: Change is coming,"".

Does 'shit-gurgling liar' mean anything to you? It doesn't to the "Maverick".

He has been in Washington ever since the North Koreans or whoever rewired him for this mission, and surely he has recognized that W. has been the biggest spender of biggest spenders and that he and his party have down fuck-all except shit the bed and roll around in it for eight years.

Or is this too damned obvious to point out? I know we are all busy having our panties charmed off by Palin, but losing your head at cheap flattery is not advisable--that is just the sort of thing that got little Missy Palin up creek.

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