January 22, 2010

Our friends at Burro Hall sent us this news that Mexico has had so much success stomping out the illegal drug trade the only thing left to outlaw are the songs about it.

"A new proposal by Mexico's ruling party could result in musicians being sent to prison for performing songs that glorify drug trafficking.

The proposed legislation would mean sentences of up to three years for people performing or producing songs or films that glamorise criminals.

"Society sees drug ballads as nice, pleasant, inconsequential and harmless – but they are the opposite," Oscar Martin Arce, a National Action party MP, told the Associated Press.

The ballads – known as narcocorridos – often describe drug trafficking and violence and are popular among some norteƱo bands.

After some killings, gangs pipe narcocorridos and threatening messages into police radio scanners.

Martin said his party's proposal, presented to congress on Wednesday, was also intended to combat low-budget films praising druglords. It remained unclear when it would be voted on.

"We cannot accept it as normal. We cannot exalt these people because they themselves are distributing these materials among youths to lead them into a lifestyle where the bad guy wins," Martin said."

I am sure you all understand how well it works for the government to ban stuff--it makes kids absolutely hate it.

And it is well known that people only do drugs because they like narcocorridos. That is why English speaking American teenagers consume mountains of drugs-- the wild popularity of El As de la Sierra across the suburbs.

Since this is going to mean the end of narcocorridos, I am going to sell my stock in ostrich-shouldered suit manufacturers. That market is going to dry right up.

The article erroneously states that Los Tigres del Norte did not play in the fall because of a narcocorrido when it was actually the bitingly political song "La Granja" that they were forbidden to play

The bottom of that page has this link to some footage of a Mexican jailbreak. Mexico should consider outlawing jailbreaks.

And as long as I am spending my time watching these, you should too. This one of anti-drug violence in Brazil is interesting.

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