Of course, who am I apologizing to? Readers have all vanished, I am left with those uncertain visitors from Eastern Europe. And the NSA.
Transitioning back here has been a whirlwind and it turns out that in the absence of procrastination from fill-in-this-blank, blogging suffers. So don't fear--I'll be back at work in a month and thus back to blogging.
Too damn much to do at the moment anyway. Everytime I look around all I see is deferred maintenance. Sure was nice being away from all of these things, leaky roofs, limbs falling, rats to poison.
Not being Water Tight is nothing new around here but it is awful to be reminded of it. Then there is the tree--my neighbor's enormous pecan tree (I took mine out after Hurricane Isabel almost knocked it over) has shed some huge branches in wind storms. These branches have helpfully landed on my property, on top of other smaller trees which can then be extinfguished. Here is a view of the backyard at the moment.

I have had some good success with the rats. My renter was not a rat killer. paid his rent on time, sure, but seemed to tolerate the rats in the garage. I set about in my long twilight struggle to exterminate these damn things. Here is one that bizarrely turned up dead on the roof. I only noticed it because I was up high cutting down the limbs.

Heartwarming, isn't it?
I have only fitfully been in town even since we got back. I went driving around Appalachia taking pictures of Mexican places for a project I am working on, I am going to post pictures on the other blog, should you care to see them. They are supposed to all get published but after investing in 1300 mile drive at 4 bucks a gallon in my gas guzzling truck, these m'fers are trying to hose me. But I will fight like dos gallos. Or something like that.
Tomorrow I am going to West Virginia to an old time music festival for a week +, but I shall return. Not that any living soul is out there to care, but so be it.
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